Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Thin-Skinned Living

By Andrea Merrell

 For this reason we do not lose heart:
Even though our outward man is perishing,
yet our inward man is being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16 MEV

It’s funny how our body changes as we age.

One thing I’ve noticed lately—among a variety of others—is how thin my skin has become. Small cuts and bruises seem to appear out of nowhere. Try as I might, I can’t remember how they happened.

Not so when I was younger. My hide was pretty tough and could withstand most anything. My emotions? Not so much. I spent a large portion of my life in what I call thin-skinned living. All those hurtful words by others and situations that didn’t work out the way I expected left emotional cuts and bruises. And I remembered. Every. Single. One.

Thin-skinned living is not a good way to go. It’s merely existing, trying to make it from one day to the next without being offended. Again.

But just as our body changes, so do our emotions—especially as we grow stronger in the Lord, allowing His Spirit and His Word to transform us. While our skin might become thinner, our spirit-man grows tougher, able to withstand the onslaught of the Enemy and whatever circumstances we find ourselves in.

Thank God for His transforming power. These days, just like I can’t remember how I hurt myself, I no longer remember all those hurtful words and painful situations.

If you’re dealing with emotional cuts and bruises, maybe it’s time to let the Spirit and the Word toughen you up.

(Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net and imagerymajestic.)


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