Saturday, April 17, 2021

Don’t Lose Your Identity

 By Andrea Merrell


 Once you had no identity as a people;

    now you are God’s people.

1 Peter 2:10 NLT

We hear it all the time: Identity thieves are out to steal your information. Protect yourself. This causes us to be more alert and do whatever we can to keep this from happening. 

But there's another thief out to steal our identify ... the one we have in Christ.

 Some people spend a lifetime trying to “find” themselves, all the while searching in the wrong places or allowing negative feedback to determine their worth. My pastor recently said, “we are not a result of what people did to us or didn’t do for us. We are a result of what Jesus did in us and for us.” That’s where out true identity lies, but we still have to protect it.

Chris Tiegreen says:

God has given you a new identity, but it will be roundly attacked from every side. Resolutely insist on the identity God gave you in Christ. Refuse to be swayed, distracted, or even questioned. What God has affirmed, let no one even dare try to undermine. You are who you are because He said so. Live in your true, God-given identity as His child, a new creation, a member of a royal priesthood, and more. The Father is well pleased with His children, and no unholy voice can convince Him otherwise.

Be secure in who you are. You are in Him. His child. His beloved. Saved. Redeemed. The righteousness of God in Christ. Seated in heavenly places. More than a conqueror. A joint heir with Jesus. That’s the way God sees you and the way He wants you to see yourself.


 (Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels.)



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