Monday, February 15, 2021

Are You Praying Positive or Negative Prayers?

By Andrea Merrell

God … gives life to the dead 

and calls into being things that were not.

Romans 4:17 NIV


“Oh, God, he drinks too much. Please make him stop. And change his nasty, critical attitude.” 

The husband’s problems were serious and the woman’s plea desperate. She prayed the only way she knew how. The only thing she could see was the situation—not the solution.

Imagine what could happen if she prayed with a different vision. Instead of focusing on her husband’s problems, what if she focused instead on the outcome—on how things should be according to God’s plan. What if she prayed positive instead of negative prayers?

Chris Tiegreen writes:

Which of those prayers is more likely to stir up your faith? One approach makes the situation look too big for God to handle. It cultivates anxiety, discouragement, and even despair. The other approach honors God’s power to transform any situation into something beautiful, joyful, and true. It cultivates expectancy and faith. It’s filled with hope.

Which vision you hold in your mind when you pray is significant. It matters a lot. When you pray for someone ruining his life, don’t focus on his mistakes. Develop a picture of what he will look like when restored, and then pray that picture. If you’re praying for someone who’s depressed, envision her shining with God’s radiance and pray that vision. If you’re praying for a broken system—family, government, work—imagine its glory when fully repaired. Positive praying is far more powerful than negative praying because God honors faith. A hopeful vision cultivates it. 

Next time you pray, instead of looking at the problem, focus on the solution. See the situation as it should be. As it can be. As God sees it. It probably won’t happen overnight, but don’t ever give up. God hears and responds to every faith-filled word.

(Photo courtesy of and imagerymajestic.)


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