Monday, February 3, 2025

A Lesson from Communion


By Andrea Merrell

For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,

that He might destroy the works of the devil.

1 John 3:8 NKJV


I raised the small communion cup to my lips and paused—in shock. Floating in the red liquid, symbolic of the shed blood of Jesus, was a dead fly.

My initial response was revulsion, but on the heels of that thought came another. Had I not just prayed and acknowledged the power in the blood of my Lord? This was clearly a practical example of how it destroys the work of the enemy of our soul, the Devil.

As I thought about the precious and priceless blood of our risen Savior, bits and pieces of old hymns came flooding into my mind. The only blood that could set me free. Wonder-working power. It washes away my sin. It’s a matter of placing our complete trust in Him as He shines the light on truth.

Sometimes God will use the smallest and seemingly insignificant scenarios to teach us a powerful lesson. In the same way, Jesus told stories and asked simple questions. He knelt to draw in the dirt, saving a woman’s life. He sent his disciples fishing to pay their taxes. He used mud to heal a blind man. He fed hundreds with a young boy’s lunch. He uses the trappings of our everyday, ordinary life to teach and guide.

I don’t think I’ll ever take communion again without remembering that fly, but more importantly, the words of Jesus: I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the dark” (John 12:46 NLT).

 Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash


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