Monday, October 9, 2023

From Nothing to Something


By Andrea Merrell

When you created me in the secret place,

carefully and skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something.

Psalm 139:15 TPT


How do you make something out of nothing?

I’ve seen people do some pretty amazing things with what most would consider nothing. Waste. Scrap. Throwaways.

My husband can carve out a peach seed and turn it into a tiny little basket. Some can turn a tree trunk into a work of art with a chainsaw. Others can create a masterpiece from a blank canvas.

That’s what God does with us.

The Bible says God is the potter. We’re the clay. I never thought much about that until I actually took the time to watch a true artist take a wet lump—nothing—place it on a potter’s wheel, and carefully guide it, molding that clay until it became a lovely, well-crafted vesselsomething

The psalmist David understood that concept well. In His praise to the Lord, he said, “When you created me in the secret place, carefully and skillfully you shaped me from nothing to something” (Psalm 139:15 TPT).

Each one of us is a unique, one-of-a-kind being, carefully and lovingly shaped and fashioned by the Master Potter. And He makes no mistakes.

Don’t ever doubt your worth. Sometimes you might feel like nothing, but God sees you as something—or rather someone—very special.

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash