By Andrea Merrell
As for God, His
way is perfect. Psalm 18:30 NIV
I did what he said. It lasted about ten minutes. I picked my burden back up and continued to carry it. The worst part is that I gave the Lord
several suggestions on how to fix the problem. I’m sure He was grateful for my sage
advice (😊) but
said, “I’ve got this … if you’ll let go.”
Why is it that we think we’re smarter and wiser than the God
of the universe? The Creator of heaven and earth? The all-knowing,
all-powerful, ever-present God?
Paul says it best in Romans 9:20-21 (MSG):
Who in the world do you think you are to second-guess God? Do you for one moment suppose any of us knows
enough to call God into question? Clay doesn’t talk back to the fingers that
mold it, saying, “Why did you shape me like this?” Isn’t it obvious that a
potter has a perfect right to shape one lump of clay into a vase for holding
flowers and another into a pot for cooking beans?
There are so many things in this world we will never understand
until we see the Lord face-to-face. And I imagine when we do, all those trivial
matters we worried about, struggled with, and tried to fix will become
meaningless in the light of His glory.
Don’t be guilty of second-guessing God. Give up the right to
understand His ways—which are so much higher than ours—and learn to trust Him
for the outcome. He is the answer to every question and the solution to every
As the psalmist David said, “As for God, His way is perfect.”
(Photo courtesy of and Stuart Miles.)
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