Monday, December 28, 2020

A Bright Future

 By Andrea Merrell


For I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content.

 Philippians 4:11 NKJV


When I was young, I dreamed of all the stuff I would have when I was older, along with all the things I would accomplish. The fulfillment of those dreams would certainly make me happy. I looked forward to a bright future.

People dream of many different scenarios that will make them happy—being out of debt, raising good children, retiring, that perfect vacation. Young people have visions of grandeur, having and becoming anything they want.

The problem is life doesn’t always turn out the way we imagine. When our dreams don’t pan out, it can leave us discouraged, fantasizing about future events that will make us happy instead of focusing on what we have now. 

Paul said he had learned to be content in every situation. How? By focusing on his love-relationship with the Lord and learning to rejoice … no matter what. He knew he had a bright future—regardless of his current circumstances—because one day he would be absent from the body and present with the Lord. He would finally see Jesus face to face.

Are you always thinking about the future? Like most of us, you’re probably anxious for 2020 to be over and 2021 to begin. But we’re instructed in the Scriptures not to dwell on the past or worry about tomorrow. We should, like Paul, learn to be content in any and every situation, knowing that as a child of God, we have the brightest future possible.

(Photo courtesy of and Sira Anamwong.)

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