Monday, February 17, 2020

Silence Your Fear

By Andrea Merrell

The squeaky wheel, as they say, gets the oil. Why? Because it’s loud, irritating, and won’t go away. It’s the same with fear. Chris Tiegreen says, “For a silent attitude, fear can be awfully vocal.”

While our spirit struggles to hear the still, small voice of God, fear screams at us:

  • You’re a nobody. And no one cares.
  • You’re not brave enough to step out in faith.
  • You’ll never get healed. Might as well stop praying.
  • You can’t afford to tithe. Hold on to your money.
  • Your family will never come to know the Lord.
  • Your business is going under.
  • You’ll never make it.

The voice of fear tries to convince us that God has forgotten about us. He no longer cares. He has much more important matters to attend to. He doesn’t listen anyway.

The Bible calls Satan the “father of lies.” One of his biggest weapons against us is fear, which is a distortion of faith. It’s a matter of placing our trust in the negatives we face rather than in God and His Word.

Tiegreen also says, “Refuse to partner with it. Make no agreements with its threats. Turn your faith back to the truth God has spoken about your future and your circumstances. Confront fear and step out in faith. The God of power has promised to be with you.”

I John 4:18 tells us that “fear involves torment.” It also says, “perfect love casts out fear." James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” The Bible is filled with “fear nots.” We can equip our minds and hearts with the ammunition we need.

What are you waiting for? Silence your fear by confronting it with the Word.

(Photo courtesy of and imagerymajestic.)



  1. Another great post, Andrea. I so enjoy reading your blogs. You mention Chris Tiegreen frequently in your writings. Where do you glean his insights? They are very helpful.

  2. Thank you so much, Sheryl. You can go to and sign up for his daily email devotions. They're always good.
