Monday, June 3, 2019

The Underdog

By Andrea Merrell

  God resists the proud,
But gives grace to the humble.

James 4:6 NKJV

Underdog. What does that word bring to mind? The old cartoon figure? Someone you know? Yourself?

Webster’s defines underdog as “a loser or predicted loser; a victim of injustice or persecution.”

Let’s face it, being a victim or the loser is never fun. I’ve been in those shoes a few times in my life. While some people have a heart for the underdog and do whatever they can to help and encourage them, others snub their nose and strive to push them even lower. To these proud, heartless folks, it’s laughable. A joke.

But it’s no joke to God. He doesn’t rank people by size, color, education, personality, strengths, money, or social status. The Bible tells us God is not a respecter of persons. In other words, he shows no favoritism. But He does pour out His grace on the humble ones, while resisting the arrogant and proud.

Against all odds, God takes the underdogs and turns them into overcomers. His ways and thoughts are different and so much higher than our own. He uses the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. He turns beauty into ashes and mourning into dancing. With Him, all things are possible.

Against all odds, God chose a young, unmarried girl to give birth to our Lord and Savior. He chose a murderer-turned-farmer to go back to Egypt and lead the Israelites to freedom. He took another murderer and adulterer and appointed him king. He took Joseph from the pit to the prison to the palace to save a nation from starvation. He took a man whose goal was to kill Christians and turned him into one of the most prominent New Testament figures.

In my own life, I’ve survived rejection by both parents (along with their dysfunction and bitter divorce), negative, hurtful words (that told me I was the ultimate loser), anger, low self-esteem, and two prodigals. But God had a plan. He saw me when it seemed no one else did. He loved me when it seemed no one else cared. He rescued me and gave me hope.

Against all odds, God turned my life around and made it something good. Something worthwhile. He can and will do the same for you. Just trust Him.

(Photo courtesy of and saphatthachat.)




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