Monday, March 11, 2019

Age Is Only a Number

By Andrea Merrell

 The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.
And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead,
he will give life to your mortal bodies
by this same Spirit living within you.
Romans 8:11 NLT 

Birthdays seem to come at lightning speed these days. The number keeps growing larger, yet my inner voice is screaming, “I’m much too young to be this old!”

Ageing is inevitable. We all know that. But sometimes it’s hard to accept when these body parts begin to sag and droop as gravity takes hold. Our energy level goes down. Our pain level goes up. Mundane, everyday tasks become more of a challenge. We long for the endurance we once possessed. It can be discouraging. But this is what the Lord says:

Do not be anxious about the weakness of your body. Instead, view it as the prelude to My infusing energy into your being. Though the process of ageing continues, inwardly you grow stronger with the passing years. Those who live close to me develop an inner aliveness that makes them seem youthful in spite of their years. ~Jesus (From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.)

Age is only a number. It’s a state of mind. And it does not determine our worth, usefulness, purpose, or effectiveness in God’s kingdom. It actually enhances our life—and those around us—as we grow in wisdom and knowledge, learning to value what He values and love others the way He loves us. 

When we develop a close, intimate relationship with the Lord and walk hand in hand with Him through our days, He infuses us with His very own life and breath. His strength is made perfect (complete) in our weakness. While our earthly body grows weaker, our spirit grows stronger the closer we walk with Him. Therefore, we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day (2 Corinthians 4:16 NLT).

Life is precious. It’s a gift. Be thankful. Don’t dwell on the number of your days. God is the only one who knows that exact number. Fix your heart and mind on the One whose Spirit lives in you. 

(Photo courtesy of and sirayot.)



  1. I always learn something from your posts. I not only read your posts for the wonderful content you consistently share, but I also look with writers eyes to see what I can learn from a writing standpoint. Today, I learned how to quote Sarah Young from Jesus Calling. I have quoted Sarah Young's words in Jesus Calling or Jesus Always, but never like I saw you quote them today. Yours made much more sense since Sarah writes as if Jesus is speaking to us. I haven't done much writing in the past year, however, I intend to pick it up again at some point in the future and am always on the lookout to learn and better my craft. Have a blessed day.

  2. As always, Sheryl, thank you for your kind words and your encouragement. Don't wait too long to start writing again. It's a gift that needs to be used. Blessings! :)
