Monday, January 28, 2019

Can God Really Speak Through a Donkey?

By Andrea Merrell

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, 
and they follow me.
John 10:27

It always amazes me when God’s children deny that He talks to us today—however He chooses. He spoke the world into existence, and He’s been speaking to us ever since.
Still skeptical? God spoke to Moses from a burning bush. He spoke to Joseph through dreams. He spoke to Elijah through a still, small voice. He even spoke to Balaam through the mouth of a donkey. Seriously. Go check out Numbers 22:28-30.

“But that’s all in the Old Testament,” you might be saying. The Bible tells us the Lord never changes. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He has never been willing to conform to any of the tidy little boxes we’ve tried to use to contain Him. His thoughts are higher than ours and His ways not our own. John 10 tell us He is the Good Shepherd and we—his sheep—know (recognize) His voice and follow Him.

I love the various ways God chooses to communicate His love, encouragement, and guidance. It might be through a friend or family member. Maybe a sermon or daily devotion. But there are so many other avenues: a book, song, movie, sunset, nature, dream, or even the laughter of a child. Sometimes his voice is so clear it seems audible. At other times it's a gentle whisper.

As far as I’m concerned, if God can talk to someone through a donkey, He can communicate through any avenue He chooses. The key is whether or not we’re listening.

God is speaking. Listen closely ...

Can you hear Him?

(Photo courtesy of and membio.)



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