By Andrea Merrell
Jesus replied, “I am the bread of life.
Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again.
Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35
Growing up, I was required to be a member of the “Clean
Plate Club.”
In my grandparents’ home there was no waste—ever.
If I left a few bites of food on my plate, I was reminded of all the starving children
in Africa. My initial reply was, “then pack up my leftovers, and mail them to
Not a wise move on my part. I quickly learned to
keep my attitude in check and eat all my food … whether I wanted it or not.
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized it’s not always
necessary to clean my plate at each meal—for both health and weight reasons—especially
when it’s something I don’t particularly need or enjoy. Many times, I find
myself saying no to those empty calories.
On the other hand, I’ve also realized how important
it is not to leave leftovers when feasting from God’s Word.
God’s Word is referred to as both milk and meat. Jesus is called the Bread of Life. This is food for our spirit and soul. It's the sustenance we need for our spiritual growth and well-being.
If you’re hungry for more of God, go ahead and
dive into His smorgasbord of peace, love, joy, forgiveness, promises, counsel, and direction. Taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8 NLT). Fill your
plate and eat every bite. You’ll come out stronger and completely satisfied
every time.
And there are never any empty calories.
(Photo courtesy of and rakratchada torsap.)
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