By Andrea Merrell
A perverse person stirs up conflict,
and a gossip
separates close friends.
Proverbs 16:28 NIV

It’s important for all of us to have someone to
talk to and confide in, especially when we’re going through a hard time. But we
have to choose that person (or persons) wisely. There are many listening ears,
but not all are trustworthy.
We must choose a friend, counselor, or accountability
partner who can keep a confidence. Someone who won’t gossip and spread our
private issues around. Someone who walks according to the principles of God’s
Word. We also need someone who will let things go and not make us wear a label
for the rest of our life.
Pastor and author Bob Gass says:
Bad news is often remembered
longer than good news. Long after you have resolved the issue and moved on with
your life, the wrong people will continue to focus on it and talk about it. That’s
why God’s Word says, “Those who are trustworthy can keep a confidence.”
God is always ready and willing to come to your
rescue. Take your problems to Him, and be careful who you confide in.
(Photo courtesy of
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