By Andrea Merrell

Bridges to the past can be dangerous to our
spiritual health. Any negative influences that keep us looking back at the “pleasures
of sin”—and keep our focus away from the Lord—must be burned.
Ephesians 4:27 says, Do not give the Devil a foothold (NIV). But this Scripture refers
to more than just anger. When we refuse to get rid of those links to the
past—people and things that try to pull us away from God—we leave the path
unguarded and wide open for the Enemy to advance. Those bridges can lead back
to the wrong type of friends, alcohol or drug abuse, or any number of
destructive behaviors.
So, how do we blow up those bridges? By effectual, fervent prayer, and by turning our back on them. To repent means to turn around and go the
other way, walking away from those habits and sins that can harm us and those
around us. When we become new creations in Christ, everything becomes new … and
the old has to go.

Won’t you do the same? If you have bridges that
need to be destroyed, pull out the powerful, life-changing Word of God and put it
to work.
(Photo courtesy of Miles/Graphics Mouse.)
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