It’s amazing how upset we get over things that
really don’t matter in the broad scheme of our lives—and eternity. Just watch the arguments and judgmental remarks
on Facebook and Twitter. And let’s not forget about the news.
First, it was the presidential election (actually,
it still is to a lesser degree). Then we transitioned to a controversy over The Shack. Some people even want to fuss
and fume about the weather. Seems our human nature always looks for something
to argue about.
As long as we’re on this earth, there will always
be people and situations that challenge, frustrate, and annoy us. The Bible refers
to these as the little foxes that spoil
the vines (Song of Solomon 2:15 NKJV) and the cares of this world (Mark 4:19
NKJV). Anything that robs our joy and chokes out the Word in our heart is a
peace stealer.
Like joy, peace is a gift from God that we
can experience every day—no matter what’s going on around us. But we have to
seek it and allow it to rule in our hearts; it doesn’t just automatically drop
into our laps. As pastor and author Bob Gass says, “In the middle of life’s
storms, you can be anchored by God’s peace.”

Make a decision today to pursue the things which make for peace (Romans 14:19 NKJV). Don’t allow
anything or anyone—people, situations, the Devil, the media, or even yourself—to
be a peace stealer.
What is your biggest peace stealer?
What is your biggest peace stealer?
(Photo courtesy of FreeDigitalPhotos.net/nonicknamephoto/arcadante.)
Peace is a gift from God. Don't let anyone or anything steal it from you. (Click to Tweet.)
"In the middle of life’s storms, you can be anchored by God’s peace." ~Bob Gass (Click to Tweet.)
"In the middle of life’s storms, you can be anchored by God’s peace." ~Bob Gass (Click to Tweet.)
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