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By Andrea Merrell
After the man stormed off in a huff, I wanted to hug the employee for being such a good sport and handling herself so well. I apologized for the man's behavior and she said, "Oh, do you know him?"
I laughed and said, "No, but if I did, I probably wouldn't admit it."
Hopefully, the man was having a bad day and this was not his usual frame of mind. The woman assured me she had been through this with customers before and, since we were only a week away from Christmas, it would surely happen again. How sad to expect this kind of treatment during such a special time of year.
I silently prayed for both upon leaving the store and vowed to be extra kind to everyone I came in contact with, especially those working in retail. As Christians, we should always let our light shine, but so much more during the holidays as we strive to point others to Him.
As you enjoy this wonderful time of year, I would like to wish you a Jesus-filled Christmas as you celebrate with family and friends.
Christmas blessings to you and yours.
Merry CHRISTmas! Never forget the real reason for the season. via @Andrea Merrell (Click to Tweet.)
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