By Andrea Merrell
Jesus looked at them intently and said,
“Humanly speaking, it is impossible.
But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”
Mark 10:27 NLT

Have you ever felt that way?
God is always with us and up to the task. He works through us, giving us His strength, power, ability, and wisdom. When the job seems too big for us, that’s when God works best. He'll show Himself strong on our behalf by allowing His very own strength to be made perfect in our human weakness.
God will equip us for whatever He calls us to do. He never leaves us hanging. Sometimes He prepares us way ahead of time. At other times, it’s a matter of on-the-job training. Those are the times we learn to step out in faith, take His hand, and go for it.
New territory can be a scary place—speaking, teaching, writing, new job, new ministry, new relationship—but God promises to not only go before us but to be with us every step of the way. I’ve heard Joyce Meyer say many times, “Do it afraid.”

If God has called you to do something—and you’re wondering if you’re right for the job—trust that He will give you everything you need to succeed, for your good and His glory.
(Photo courtesy of Miles/Master isolated images.)
When God calls you to do something, He'll give you everything you need to succeed. (Click to Tweet.)
Outside our comfort zone is where we grow as our faith is put to the test. (Click to Tweet.)
Outside our comfort zone is where we grow as our faith is put to the test. (Click to Tweet.)
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