The Sovereign Lord has given me his words of wisdom,
so that I know how to comfort the weary.
Morning by morning he wakens me
and opens my understanding to his will.
so that I know how to comfort the weary.
Morning by morning he wakens me
and opens my understanding to his will.
Isaiah 50:4 NLT
As soon as I said “God told me,” she checked out and stopped listening.
“What? God doesn’t talk to us!” She shot me a look that clearly said I was crazy, then walked away.

That’s a lot of talking. So when exactly did He stop?
Thankfully, He hasn’t … and never will.
God loves us with an all-consuming love and desires a personal, intimate relationship with each of His children. So why would He leave all the communication up to us? Relationship is two-sided. That’s why He sent the Holy Spirit to live inside us to lead, guide, comfort, instruct, and correct.
God speaks through His Word and in that still, small voice in our quiet times with Him. His words can be heard through the lips of a trusted friend and in the “I love you” of a child. He can give us a life-changing word even through a stranger.
What I would have told my friend—if she had been willing to listen—is that God has spoken to me many times in many different ways. My responsibility is to listen and respond.

God is always ready to talk to His children. Are you listening?
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God is always ready to talk to His children. Are you listening? via @AndreaMerrell (Click to Tweet.)
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