Monday, July 25, 2016

When You Do Your Part ... God Does His

By Andrea Merrell

Sometimes when I pray, I have to ask myself if I’m doing my part.

Doing my part can mean several things. It’s up to me to allow God to be involved in every part of my life. Staying in intimate fellowship depends on how much time I’m willing to commit to our relationship. The Bible tells me that when I draw close to Him, He will draw close to me. When I humble myself before Him, He will lift me up. When I confess my sins, He is always faithful to forgive me. When I ask for something in faith, according to His will, He will answer.

God’s love is amazing and unconditional. It’s a gift, and there’s nothing we can do to make Him love us more … or less. But when it comes to His Word, He puts the ball back in our court and asks us to meet the condition He has placed on the promise.

In other words, if I want to be blessed financially, He expects me to be a giver. As a tither, my covenant with God gives me the right to ask when I’m in need, knowing He will meet that need. If I need to be forgiven, He expects me to forgive. When I need wisdom, He says all I have to do is ask. When I admit my weakness, He pours His strength into me.

Does God know what I need before I ask? Absolutely. He also promises to give me the desires of my heart when I delight in Him. But He also tells me all through Scripture to worry about nothing and pray about everything.

If you’re in a situation that has you on your knees and you feel God is not responding, go to the Word and check out His promises. Have you met the conditions? Are you doing your part?

One thing is certain: God is faithful. He is a man of His Word. When we do our part … He will do His. That’s a promise you can count on.

(Photos courtesy of Morguefile and Miles.)


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