Monday, June 13, 2016

Are You Building Walls Or Bridges?

By Andrea Merrell

You might not consider yourself handy with tools, but you’re still a contractor. Actually, we’re all builders in God’s kingdom. But are we building walls or bridges?

Walls are constructed to either keep things in … or keep them out. When we encase ourselves inside walls of our own making, we might keep away pain and hurt feelings, but we end up shutting other people out and cutting ourselves off from potential relationships and blessings.

Sometimes—because of our attitude, words, and behavior—we raise barriers that keep others from reaching God … from seeing and experiencing His amazing love and goodness. Instead, we should be building bridges and helping others cross over painful valleys of destruction to find the Savior. God desires His children to always point the way to Him, while helping people find the right path.

As spiritual handymen (and handywomen), we have the creative, God-given ability to build love, trust, and security. We have been given the power to erect towers of compassion and stability. With the Holy Spirit to lead and guide, we can sand and polish hurt feelings and painful situations. With God’s Word, we can pour firm foundations of faith and finish our projects with mercy and grace.

If you’ve created walls that are standing in the way of fulfilling God’s plan and purpose for your life, maybe it’s time to tear them down and build a bridge.

(Photos courtesy of

As a worker in God's kingdom, are you building walls or bridges? via @AndreaMerrell (Click to Tweet.)

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