Monday, January 4, 2016

Let the SONshine In

By Andrea Merrell

But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another, 
and the blood of Jesus,
his Son, purifies us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 NIV

It’s funny how I can think my house is perfectly clean, then the light shines through a door or window at a certain time of day and exposes crumbs on the kitchen counter, dust bunnies on the floor, and cobwebs on the ceiling. Even though those places looked spotless only moments before, the light revealed what was hidden … and missed during housecleaning.

I’ve found it works much the same way in my “spiritual house.” Sometimes when I think I’ve overcome a bad habit or conquered a rotten attitude toward someone, God shines His light at a certain time and place and there they are … exposed.

The Bible tells us to walk in the light. Why? Because light always reveals what is hidden in the darkness. If you want to be sure your spiritual house is free of crumbs, dust bunnies, and cobwebs, throw open the doors and windows of your heart and let the SONshine in.

In this New Year of 2016, may we all allow the SON to shine through us so that others will be drawn to Him.


(Photo courtesy of and lekkyjustdoit.)


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